Juega a Stacraft 2: Heart of the Swarm ahora!

por PCSencilla , en domingo, febrero 05, 2012

El jugador XenoX101 ha utilizado el editor de Starcraft2 para crear una versión Pre-Beta de Starcraft2: "Heart of the Swarm" incluso antes de la salida de la esperada beta de la que será la primera de las expansiones del último SC de Blizzard. Este mod incluye todas las nuevas unidades adaptadas al actúal sistema de juego. Aunque todavía se trata de un trabajo en Progreso.

A continuación os dejo una tabla con las estadísticas de las nuevas unidades que se han añadido en el mod:


A Continuación os dejo las declaraciones en inglés del creador del mod donde detalla todo con mayor exactitud,animo a alguno de los usuarios a realizar una traducción para toda la comunidad ya que mi inglés es casi nulo:


HotS Custom is here, every modification seen in Blizzcon in custom map form. (self.starcraft)

31 de OCTUBRE por XenoX101

Hey everyone,

With all the talk of HotS and how the new units would affect the current meta-game, I decided to undergo the ultimate experiment of recreating HotS in the custom map editor. To cut a long story short this map consists of 60 hours of my blood, sweat and tears.. as well as every single HotS unit, ability and modification announced using the most information and best guesses I could make on the few values that weren't known. Introducing...!


It's currently published on SEA and AM as HotS Custom - *, soon to be EU (the current version still has a lot of bugs as it was the first version I released and played online), you can find it in the custom games section, or alternatively join the chat channel **HotS* and hopefully find other players.

There are four popular maps I've chosen for this map and I will probably mix the map pool around since its a fairly trivial thing to do, but four is a nice number for a map pool.

http://i.imgur.com/wTfLQ.png http://i.imgur.com/VQmvg.png http://i.imgur.com/zuJmX.png](http://i.imgur.com/zuJmX.png) http://i.imgur.com/xsaNc.png

And if you'd like to see how the information boils down, what we know and don't know about the units and their attributes, have a look at the spreadsheet below which shows how the certainty of each value breaks down, many values were given but others you had to estimate through the Blizzcon teasers and videos, and others you simply had to make a calculated guess with how units are currently priced etc. http://i.imgur.com/2oSYB.png

I will keep updating the map as bugs get found out and new information arises on HotS, and hopefully this will become an ongoing project if people like it.

So with that said I do hope you guys enjoy it, and if you have any feedback do let me know, especially bugs and issues since that sort of information is priceless to a mapmaker.

Thanks for reading and happy HotSing .

EDIT: It appears my latest version has not been parsed through all the maps, I apologize for whatever went wrong, the updated version should be up soon (20 minutes or so).

**TL;DR: Complete Heart of the Swarm custom game published by yours truly on SEA and AM regions at the moment, soon to be EU.

The current EU version is very buggy because it was the first version I released, it will be updated tomorrow with all the new bug fixes that solve 99% of the issues that version has.

Fuente: reddit.com
Juega a Stacraft 2: Heart of the Swarm ahora!
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Juega a Stacraft 2: Heart of the Swarm ahora! - escrito por PCSencilla , publicado el domingo, febrero 05, 2012, categorizado en juegos , juegos online , starcraft